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Ensuring Strategic Readiness: The Case for Space Command in Colorado Springs

As a former military leader and current candidate running for Senate, I feel compelled to address the recent debate surrounding the location of Space Command. In this blog post, I will articulate why Colorado Springs, with its rich military history and strategic advantages, is the ideal choice for Space Command's permanent home.

Unparalleled Infrastructure and Expertise:

- Since 1985, Peterson Space Force Base has been the home of Space Command, boasting unparalleled infrastructure and expertise in supporting vital military missions.

- Military leaders have affirmed that Colorado Springs can accommodate Space Command at full operational capacity with minimal disruption, ensuring continuity and efficiency in operations.

Strategic and Logistical Merit:

- The decision on Space Command's location should be driven by strategic and logistical considerations, not divisive political issues such as abortion access.

- Colorado Springs offers strategic advantages and readiness, making it the optimal choice for housing Space Command and ensuring the safety and security of all Americans.

Beyond Political and Economic Advantages:

- Basing Space Command in Colorado is not solely about political or economic gain for the state. It's about safeguarding the nation's defense capabilities and prioritizing the safety of all Americans, both born and unborn.

- The decision should prioritize national security interests over political agendas, ensuring the effectiveness of our defense capabilities in the critical domain of space.

A Call for Objective Decision-Making:

- Accusations of political motives on both sides of the debate should not overshadow the importance of making an objective decision based on readiness, capability, and operational effectiveness.

- Let us set aside political agendas and focus on what is best for our country's security, ensuring that Space Command is located where it can best serve our nation's defense needs.

In conclusion, the decision on Space Command's permanent home should be guided by strategic merit and national security interests. Colorado Springs, with its longstanding support for the military and unmatched infrastructure, stands ready to continue its legacy as the home of Space Command. Let us prioritize the safety and security of our nation above all else in this crucial decision-making process.

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